The gorgeous supermodel graces the August 2013 cover of Allure Magazine! Kate talks insercuites and rumors in her spread, take a peek at her interview below! XO Andrea
On constant media criticism:
"It was horrible, especially the anorexic thing. The heroin, I was like,
'Oh it's ridiculous. I know I don't do heroin. Just because I wear a
bit of black eyeline that smudged...' But the anorexic thing was a lot
more upsetting, to be held responsible for somebody's illness. I wasn't
On her fashion philosophy:
"I try and be a little bit chic. I wouldn't wear sweatpants. I wouldn't
wear a twinset. With confidence, I think anyone can get a dress and make
it their own. I don't think you should have it off the runway and wear
it like they want you to wear it. You know, with their hair and makeup -
their woman. I just think it's boring. You have to make it your own.
That's what fashion is all about."
On picking at her body's flaws:
"I didn't like my flat chest. I was like, 'Oh, I'm going to have a tit
job.' Can you imagine? I used to be so scared about 'Oh, I don't want to
show my body.' Now that I've shown it, it doesn't bug me about my
moles, or 'This isn't big enough' and 'That's not smooth enough.'"
On learning from her fame:
"Everyone's a celebrity. But I'm kind of a celebrity now, so even though
I'm not an actress, people know my name. I'm not just a face."
Check out more over about Kate at